The Kundali or horoscope based on the day, time and place of the question asked by any native is called Prashna Kundali. It holds a special significance in the resultant astrology, because often when the questioner does not have the correct details of his/her birth chart like birth time or date of birth, then in this situation, the answer to that person’s question can be given accurately through Prashna Kundali.
Often, natives who do not have their exact birth time, date, or other details remain in a dilemma as to how to get accurate astrological predictions. In such a situation, Prashna Kundali proves to be the only option. Prashna Kundali is created at a particular time when a person asks a specific question.
The question may be about relationships, financial investments, career issues, family matters, conflicts, and lawsuits, even lost objects or missing people etc.
For example, if the question is about life partner, then the 7th house and its lord should be carefully observed. In such cases, the 7th lord will be the ‘significator’.
Same as when the question is about the profession then 10th house and its lord need to be examined. Here, 10th lord becomes significator. So significator is a planet that is related to the query.
The Moon is a general significator for the whole situation. It may help to represent the describing surrounding circumstances, or it may describe about the movement of events or deeply related issues that may not be immediately apparent from the question. So, it always demands some attention or in other words, the Moon is an important general factor that should never be overlooked. The position of the Moon in Prashan Kundali will always tell something about the question.
Characteristics Of the Rashis
Rashis have many characteristics that add more flavour to the answers of Prashna. The Movable Rashis are Aries (Mesha), Cancer (Kartaka), Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makara). The fixed signs are Taurus (vrishaba), Leo (Simha), Scorpio (Vrishik)and Aquarius (Kumbha). The dual signs are Gemini (Mithuna), Virgo (Kanya), Sagittarius (Dhanu) as well as Pisces (Meena).
Rashis are also classified by their mode of rising. Sheershodaya signs rise head first. They are Gemini (Mithuna), Leo (Simha), Virgo (Kanya),Libra (Tula), Scorpio (Vriscihik) as well as Aquarius (Kumbha).
Prishtodaya signs rise with the hind parts first. They are Aries (Mesha),Taurus (Rishaba), Cancer (Kartaka), Sagittarius (Dhanu) as well asCapricor
n (Makara). Ubodhaya sign of Pisces (Meena) rises in both directions.
The East direction signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The West are Gemini (Mithuna), Libra (Tula) as well as Aquarius (Kumbha). The North Rashis are Cancer (Kartaka), Scorpio (Vrischik) as well as Pisces (Meena). The South are Taurus (Rishaba), Virgo (Kanya) as well as Capricorn (Makara).
The 4th, 8th, as well as 12th from the Sun, are upward-looking or Udhavmukhi. The signs that the Sun is in, as well as 5th and 9th from
the Sun, are Adhomukhi or downward-looking. The signs that are 2nd,6th and 10th from the Sun are sideways looking or Tiryanmukhi.
Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo are barren signs. The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are fruitful and mute. Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius are semi-fruitful. Virgo, Gemini,Libra, and Aquarius are human signs.
Relationship Between Lagnesh and Karyesha
The Lagnesha is the lord of the Lagna and the Karyesha is the lord of the house that relates to the Prashna question (Karyabhava) When the Lagnesha or the Karyesha are close to a retrograde planet the results will be unfavourable. If a planet in the Prashna chart that answers the question has just started retrogression it will prevent the fulfilment of the desire for its entire period of retrogression. A benefic retrograde planet will give good results at the end of its retrogression period.
A retrograde malefic is extremely bad. If the Karyesha is retrograde and in a Dusthana there will be failure. If the Lagnesha and the Karyesha are debilitated, weak, retrograde or even combust the answer is a very strong indication of failure.